Friday, November 4, 2011

Stepping Away

En route to the city, I close my eyes to think... ride rolls on, rolls on.

I remember the roar of the engine, real speed... ride rolls on, rolls on.

I see the darkness, the long roads ahead... ride rolls on, rolls on.

I saw the ladies, thought of liberty, she smiled so pretty...
but that's not what this was, more like a noose limply... ride rolls on, rolls on.

Tired of that dissarray, I stepped back that day...
Tired of the threatening noose, I left that way...

I stood looking down and back,
knowing the barrage of flack,
no interest in pouring my life in,
when I had so much to do within.

Call it selfish, call it greed, call it knowledge, call it life.
Whatever what you will... is life... is liberty...
...breaking the noose and... ride rolls on, rolls on. is freedom... is life...
...shredded the noose and... ride rolls on, rolls on.

To distant places, all across the world,
I get to see by throwing away the noose, ride rolls on, rolls on.

This is written, in context, of selling my car and gaining a true freedom from the constraint that it is. The world shifted for me that day, for the better.