Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day After...

Last night I got the HD500 up and running. I told a few long time friends about the purchase and have received all sorts of kudos. I also got an emotion that I haven't had in a while...

The sound of the electric guitar cutting through the placid simple tranquility lights a fire in my soul that invigorates me. It lays rest to all my other curiosities and interests for a time, inspiring me to create, write, and compose the music and the ideas in my mind. Now I sit here the next day, pondering how to decrease my other work, time spent, and other such things so I can focus deeply on my music. I've left it alone for far too long. I've felt partially dead for the better part of a decade and I'm done dancing the dirge of the walking dead. I'm ready to play, to write. So I am...

So with this new inspiration I'm looking for ways to push more music into my schedule. This will be an interesting challenge. I even ponder, can I cut my salary in half and only work 20 hours a week? Not really, but the idea did pop into my head, I do however love what I do and like going to work. But the music does call...

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